Thoughts? Prayer Requests?


Please share your thoughts, concerns, and prayer requests below. We want to know how you are doing and what you are facing!


  1. Mark Pelt

    Would love to buy your book.

    I live in Australia though. Are you considering publishing it as an ebook or pdf?

    • annefidelity2000

      Hi Mark, thank you for your interest. We are not considering that at this time. We are just starting this journey of publishing!

    • Stephanie

      I just cry when I hear your testimony. God truly blessed you both. Amazing you were able to stand. I am only 9 months in & honestly I don’t know what I am to do. We were married 32 years & he walked out & is waiting for divorce to be final so he can remarry. It’s so heartbreaking. I have prayed & prayed God has given me other blessings in this journey. I just can’t seem to move forward. Just praying like you said for God to make it so very clear. Thanks for your testimony.

      • annefidelity2000

        Hi Stephanie, First, I want to apologize for several days delay in responding to you. We have been in the midst of a terrible ice storm and power outages that have lasted for a week!

        Secondly, I want you to know how my heart goes out to you at your husband’s sudden leaving. I know how devastating that is–it just feels like life is shattered.

        I want to encourage you in a few ways. First, be patient with your own feelings. You are naturally grieving. Your future plans have been ripped away. Just take some deep breaths literally, and figuratively, and give yourself time to grieve–to cry, to call out to God in your anguish. Secondly, keep looking at things like Rejoice Marriage Ministry devotionals and testimonies. And keep in the Word. Psalm 4 and Psalm 86 pop into my mind, and there are so many others. Thirdly, know that God is bigger than everything you are facing! He is truer, He is stronger, He is better than every other thing this life can offer. He is your portion and your overflowing cup. He may seem distant right now, but pain can obscure every other reality. Just know that He IS. He is there. He is with you. He knows and understands completely. And His arm is not too short! The same arm that caused the universe to unfurl, works on your behalf His wonders to perform! Wait patiently for the Lord. I will also mention Psalm 37:1-8 and Psalm 33, the last three verses. These come to mind and so I want to share them. Of course, there is much other scripture all through the Bible, which is hope and light for our suffering, but I encourage you to start with these and turn to Him and hold on tightly. He is holding you as well! May the Lord bless you with incredible peace, with hope, with endurance, and faithfulness. May His unfailing love rest upon you! (from Psalm 33:22).

  2. Kris Dyer

    I have been so encouraged by your testimony from hearing it in RMM and then hearing more about it in there today. It’s been 8 years and 8 months of praying for my husband to come back to God and marriage restoration and it’s been so difficult but I keep praying and waiting

    • annefidelity2000

      Hi Kris, I am so glad this was encouraging to you today! My heart feels for you and with you for this long waiting period. May the Lord give you continued strength, endurance, and a persevering spirit. Even as you are waiting, may He bring enrichment to your life through other things–other ministries and opportunities–and most of all, enrichment through your life with Him.

    • Tracy B Hamilton

      I want to thank you for your testimonies.
      To God be all the Glory!!
      Please lift up Fred and myself as I stand for over 5 years.
      I am the “fanatic”, so to speak.
      I know that I know I am to not doubt, so thankful for th hope you shared .
      Many blessings for you and your family.

      • annefidelity2000

        Hi Tracy, thank you so much for your comment, above. May the Lord bless and strengthen you so greatly as you continue to stand for your marriage. May He draw Fred to Himself in powerful ways. I often prayed from II Timothy 2:24-26, and feel drawn to share that with you now as a way to pray for Fred. These verses are so powerful! And verses 22-25 of that chapter are good counsel for a standing spouse. May God bless and encourage you so greatly! Thank you again for sharing.

  3. Stephanie

    Hi Anne, I am in a marriage where I have fought, prayed, cried, manipulated, and all the things and I am so desperately wanting it to work but I am in so much pain. In your testimony on RMM you said you asked for instructions on how to do it if this what God wanted. My prayer request is that God will give me exactly what I need to convince me mind, body, and soul that this is my calling. There are doubts in me that go beyond just God doesn’t want me and my son to live like this anymore. My husband does not want to be divorced or separated but he doesn’t want to make changes reflective of his belief in Christ and therefore I am in the pain of his choices daily. Thank you for your prayers and for you and Brad sharing your faith, strength and hope.

    • annefidelity2000

      Hi Stephanie, I am so sorry for all you are going through. My heart reaches out to you as you work through so much pain and uncertainty. I know I don’t have “the answers,” but I know Who the Answer is, and I can tell you know Him too. One encouragement I would give is just to ask Him for the next step–not all that you are supposed to do forever, but the next step. He might put on your heart someone to call, or, as He did with me, urge you to put all the questions and effort and struggle and analysis on the back burner for a few days to simply worship and fix your gaze on Him. Then, as the dust from all of that settles, you may see more clearly a path forward. I will seek to keep you in my prayers!

  4. Brittany Lanzone

    Hi there – Praying for my former husband to come back to Jesus and love Him and follow Him with his whole heart. Vito Lanzone III. A legacy that he started to change and sadly fell back into generational patterns.

  5. annefidelity2000

    Brittany, may the Lord give you much daily grace to continue in prayer and to stand against the lies and strongholds of the enemy who would seek to refute the truth of Christ. May He strengthen you so powerfully!

  6. Eric B

    Hi Anne, I was encouraged to listen to your testimony on the Rejoice Marriage Ministries podcast. What a testimony and I continue to reflect on so many of the things you and Brad shared – thank you for your openness.
    I have entered my 4th year separated from my spouse of 25 years. Its been a difficult journey but we are communicating more and there could be the possibility of restoration, which seemed impossible before. So many questions and hurts and we have three incredible adult children who each carry their hurts from our situation.
    I would like to get your book but it appears I am unable to order from Canada (I am near Toronto). Do you know any other options for how I could get a copy of your book in Canada?
    Thank you so much.
    Eric B.

    • annefidelity2000

      Hi Eric, we are so glad that you were encouraged, and we are encouraged that you are seeing the possibility of reconciliation even after these many years. We really do serve the God of the Impossible! I hope so much that you will continue to press in with prayer and continuing patience and faith. May God strengthen you to do so. And may He bring healing to everyone involved.

      Unfortunately, the shipping to Canada is very expensive, so it isn’t set up on our website. If you would like to contact me via the email on the homepage, we could discuss discounting the book and receiving payment via another format (rather than the website), but I know the expense could be prohibitive. Please let me know if you would like to pursue this further. So sorry this is not an easier fix!


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