Beauty from Ashes

(5 customer reviews)


Was God really asking me to believe Him for my marriage?

Was God really asking me to believe Him for my marriage? Was He really able to do the impossible? This is the story of God’s amazing work in our lives to restore what seemed broken beyond repair. Never give up hope!

5 reviews for Beauty from Ashes

  1. Ellen Shepard

    What a wonderful story of God’s redemptive power! Praise to the Lord for His work in us as we seek to follow Him. It is a beautiful story, and so much food for thought. I chose to read it slowly, as a sort of devotional reading. There is so much calling us to God and so much scripture reference in it that I enjoyed thinking about some of the sections before reading more. I highly recommend it, not just for those with troubled marriages, but as an encouragement to seek the Lord and follow His ways.

  2. Keryl Elsner

    How often are we invited into someone’s personal journal? This book shares rich communication with God, interwoven with scripture, reminiscent of David’s heart cries in the Psalms. I identified multiple prayers that seemed as though my own soul’s longings were poured out on the pages. Any reader, regardless of circumstances, can find themselves falling deeper in love with the God of restoration and experience faith that grows chapter by chapter as they travel the author’s journey of heartbreak, faith and restoration.

  3. Melodie Barnett

    I was so drawn in when reading this wonderful, powerful, loving story. The commitment, hope, persevering, never giving up, seeking God always.
    If you are or are not having marital issues I highly recommend this book. This book makes you think & encourages your relationship with your husband & the Lord.

  4. Britney

    It is so clear in the bible that God hates divorce. People hem and haw about what the exceptions are and ask advise of others to grant them the ease of conscience to go through with it. But, marriage is God’s good gift and He is there witnessing the vows at the time. There is a reason God hates divorce – it ruins lives. It is not easy to stay in a bad relationship, or even an okay relationship when others are temping us to leave our spouses and find the greener grass (which is not green at all), or it seems you just can’t get along. Anne hung in there, believing God at His word and despite the council to leave Brad, she trusted in God to bring him back to Himself and to her. Over 10 years! It’s not easy and it’s not something God will necessarily fix in a day but hang in there – that’s her message. God will use the time in so many ways – other ways than just fixing the marriage. He will work on personal growth in both spouses. This isn’t a surprise to God that you are going through this. God is in the redeeming/restoration business and He’s good at it. Trust Him and PLEASE don’t trust in the wisdom of fools. Don’t go the easy route that leads away from God. This is somewhat of a devotional, rather than a novel, and so, read it like that. Take a day at a time and spend it with this book. Highly recommend!

  5. Paula Anderson

    Anne has a truly beautiful way of writing! As she pours out her heart to God through journaling, we Christians can all identify with her emotions. Her moments of fears and faith, confusion and resolve, sense of abandonment and comfort of Christ’s presence, are all set before the God who sees.
    Whether fighting for a broken marriage or in another crucible of testing, Anne’s story inspires and encourages us to press on in faith. Our God is a Redeemer still!

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